Small business locally and nationwide have been experiencing a slow down in customer interactions and sales. Customers are penny pinching more and preparing for the holiday season.
Now is the time to set yourself apart from the others if you haven’t done so already. Customer service is the foundation for success and can help sustain business during slow months. The goal is to always gain new customers, but valuing your current customer base should be top priority. During this down time, recognize and appreciate your customers for choosing your small business or organization. It’s easy to be frustrated during slow months, but channel that energy towards creating new ways of appreciating your customer base and offering solutions that directly benefit them. Use this time to brainstorm and be innovative in your business.
Implement these strategies:
November reminds use to be thankful so send out “Thank You’ emails to your customer base and recognize their loyalty.
Consider having an online flash sale of your best selling product/service just for your current customers.
Talk with your business coach/consultant and review business processes and creative solutions.
Do a Risk Management Review of your business to better prepare for slow months next year.
Follow-up with past inquiries to close on deals. There’s money in the follow-up.
Slow months = REST! If you’re slow now, it’s preparing you for the overhaul later.
Are you ready for 2024?
What’s your limit for capacity? How many more customers can you handle? What’s your lead time? Are you still managing your business alone? How much time are you spending on admin work? These are questions to consider during the slow season so that your business isn’t overwhelmed during the busy season. Review, Assess, then EXECUTE!

We celebrate Thanksgiving in November. But we also celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 25th. Small Business Saturday was originally started by American Express in 2010. It’s a day to celebrate and support small businesses and what we do for the community. Small businesses need support during this financially tough year as we pivot our business to the next level. Remind your customers, friends, family members and community leaders to support small businesses by shopping at a small business on Saturday, Nov. 25th. Last year, small businesses across the nation earned an estimate of almost $18 billion on Small Business Saturday alone!! So sell your best items during Small Business Saturday and make up for a slow quarter.
Advertise on social media platforms
Create marketing for Small Business Saturday that promotes your business
Collaborate with other businesses that share your target audience